TrimReads applies a trimming/filtering pipeline that can be highly customized by the user. The tool includes default trimmers/filters, but they could be disabled or other ones included. The order of the pipeline is the following:
- Default trimmers
- User-specified trimmers
- Default filters
- User-specified filters
This order is important, because some trimmers would not apply in some situations. For example, if the read is already trimmed in a right-most position for 5’ when it is passed to another trimmer, the 5’ is not trimmed any further. For reordering defaults, specify --disableAllDefaultTrimmers
and provide them in the new order.
The following trimmers could be applied in the pipeline. Click on the trimmer name to see more information.
CutReadTrimmer: Crops a concrete number of bases at the end of the read.
MottQualityTrimmer: Trims low quality ends using the Mott’s algorithm.
TrailingNtrimmer: Trims the end of the read containing unknown bases.
The following filters could be applied in the pipeline. Click on the filter name to see more information.
AlignmentAgreesWithHeaderReadFilter: Filters out reads where the alignment does not match the contents of the header
AllowAllReadsReadFilter: Do not filter out any read
AmbiguousBaseReadFilter: Filters out reads that have greater than the threshold number of N bases
CigarContainsNoNOperator: Filter out reads with CIGAR containing N operator
FirstOfPairReadFilter: Keep only reads that are first of pair
FragmentLengthReadFilter: Keep only read pairs with insert length less than or equal to the given value
GoodCigarReadFilter: Keep only reads containing good CIGAR string
HasReadGroupReadFilter: Filter out reads without Read Group
LibraryReadFilter: Keep only reads from the specified library
MappedReadFilter: Filter out unmapped reads
MappingQualityAvailableReadFilter: Filter out reads without available mapping quality
MappingQualityNotZeroReadFilter: Filter out reads with mapping quality equal to zero
MappingQualityReadFilter: Keep only reads with mapping qualities within a specified range
MatchingBasesAndQualsReadFilter: Filter out reads where the bases and qualities do not match
MateDifferentStrandReadFilter: Keep only reads with mates mapped on the different strand
MateOnSameContigOrNoMappedMateReadFilter: Keep only reads whose mate maps to the same contig or is unmapped
MetricsReadFilter: Filter out reads that fail platform quality checks, are unmapped and represent secondary/supplementary alignments
NonZeroFragmentLengthReadFilter: Filter out reads with fragment length different from zero
NonZeroReferenceLengthAlignmentReadFilter: Filter out reads that do not align to the reference
NotDuplicateReadFilter: Filter out reads marked as duplicate
NotSecondaryAlignmentReadFilter: Filter out reads representing secondary alignments
NotSupplementaryAlignmentReadFilter: Filter out reads representing supplementary alignments
OverclippedReadFilter: Filter out reads that are over-soft-clipped
PairedReadFilter: Filter out unpaired reads
PassesVendorQualityCheckReadFilter: Filter out reads failing platfor/vendor quality checks
PlatformReadFilter: Keep only reads with matching Read Group platform
PlatformUnitReadFilter: Filter out reads with matching platform unit attribute
PrimaryLineReadFilter: Keep only reads representing primary alignments (those that satisfy both the NotSecondaryAlignment and NotSupplementaryAlignment filters, or in terms of SAM flag values, must have neither of the 0x100 or 0x800 flags set).
ProperlyPairedReadFilter: Keep only reads that are properly paired
ReadGroupBlackListReadFilter: Keep records not matching the read group tag and exact match string.
ReadGroupReadFilter: Keep only reads from the specified read group
ReadLengthEqualsCigarLengthReadFilter: Filter out reads where the read and CIGAR do not match in length
ReadLengthReadFilter: Keep only reads whose length is within a certain range
ReadNameReadFilter: Keep only reads with this read name
ReadStrandFilter: Keep only reads whose strand is as specified
SampleReadFilter: Keep only reads for a given sample
SecondOfPairReadFilter: Keep only paired reads that are second of pair
SeqIsStoredReadFilter: Keep only reads with sequenced bases
ValidAlignmentEndReadFilter: Keep only reads where the read end is properly aligned
ValidAlignmentStartReadFilter: Keep only reads with a valid alignment start
WellformedReadFilter: Keep only reads that are well-formed