TrimReads applies a trimming/filtering pipeline that can be highly customized by the user. The tool includes default trimmers/filters, but they could be disabled or other ones included. The order of the pipeline is the following:

  1. Default trimmers
  2. User-specified trimmers
  3. Default filters
  4. User-specified filters

This order is important, because some trimmers would not apply in some situations. For example, if the read is already trimmed in a right-most position for 5’ when it is passed to another trimmer, the 5’ is not trimmed any further. For reordering defaults, specify --disableAllDefaultTrimmers and provide them in the new order.


The following trimmers could be applied in the pipeline. Click on the trimmer name to see more information.


The following filters could be applied in the pipeline. Click on the filter name to see more information.